The library is an autotools package, and is installed using the usual paradigm of configure; make; make install. Along with the usual autotools options, the library's configure script offers the following options: % * --with-lhapdf-path=path_to_lhapdf_installation Sets the location of the \textsc{lhapdf} installation. This option is needed only if the helper program lhapdf-config is not in the executable search path. * --with-root-path=path_to_ROOT_installation Sets the location of the root installation. This option is needed only if the helper program root-config is not in the executable search path. * --enable-pythoninterface Compiles the python interface To install the library, unpack the ntuplereader-X.Y.Z.tar.gz file, {{{ tar -xzf ntuplesreader-X.Y.Z.tar.gz }}} Configure, with options as needed, {{{ cd ntuplesreader-X.Y.Z ./configure OPTIONS }}} and then compile and install, {{{ make make install }}} To install in a different location than the standard one, use the --prefix option to the configure script.