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Version 1 (modified by Daniel, 11 years ago) (diff)


The library is an autotools package, and is installed using the usual paradigm of configure; make; make install.

Along with the usual autotools options, the library's configure script offers the following options: %


Sets the location of the \textsc{lhapdf} installation. This option is needed only if the helper program lhapdf-config is not in the executable search path.


Sets the location of the root installation. This option is needed only if the helper program root-config is not in the executable search path.


Compiles the python interface (see section \ref{sec:python

To install the library, unpack the {\tt .tar.gz} file, \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily,keepspaces=true,columns=fullflexible,escapeinside={(*}{*)}] tar -xzf ntuplesreader-(*$\langle${\it version\/}$\rangle$*).tar.gz \end{lstlisting} where {\it version\/} is a string like `1.0'. Configure, with options as needed, \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily,keepspaces=true,columns=fullflexible,escapeinside={(*}{*)}] cd ntuplesreader-(*$\langle${\it version\/}$\rangle$*) ./configure (*$\langle${\rm options}$\rangle$*) \end{lstlisting} and then compile and install, \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily,keepspaces=true,columns=fullflexible,escapeinside={(*}{*)}] make make install \end{lstlisting} To install in a different location than the standard one, use the {\tt --prefix\/} option to the {\tt configure\/} script.