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Version 2 (modified by Daniel, 11 years ago) (diff)



E1 = 4000.0 E2 = 4000.0 sqrt(s) = 8000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: >= 1 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -11 12 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 8 1.00M 8.00M 126.11M 126.11M 1.01G
R001 256 1.00M 256.00M 247.66M 247.66M 63.40G
I001 15 1.00M 15.00M 257.68M 257.68M 3.87G
V001 4 1.00M 4.00M 160.80M 160.80M 643.20M


E1 = 4000.0 E2 = 4000.0 sqrt(s) = 8000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: >= 2 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -11 12 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 16 1.00M 16.00M 141.46M 141.46M 2.26G
R001 250 1.00M 250.00M 392.36M 392.36M 98.09G
I001 32 1.00M 32.00M 273.14M 273.14M 8.74G
V001 8 1.00M 8.00M 176.69M 176.69M 1.41G


E1 = 4000.0 E2 = 4000.0 sqrt(s) = 8000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: >= 3 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -11 12 93 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne j j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
V002 80 10.00k 800.00k 2.00M 200.39M 160.31M
B001 16 1.00M 16.00M 158.13M 158.13M 2.53G
R001 32 1.00M 32.00M 739.64M 739.64M 23.67G
I001 32 1.00M 32.00M 289.91M 289.91M 9.28G
V001 8 100.00k 800.00k 19.74M 197.35M 157.89M

[maitreda@login1 daniel]$ cat


E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 1 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 66. < M(e+,e-) < 116. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 8 1.00M 8.00M 125.38M 125.38M 1.00G
R001 64 1.00M 64.00M 252.93M 252.93M 16.19G
I001 16 1.00M 16.00M 256.73M 256.73M 4.11G
V001 4 1.00M 4.00M 159.98M 159.98M 639.94M


E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 2 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 66. < M(e+,e-) < 116. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 12 1.00M 12.00M 140.52M 140.52M 1.69G
R001 770 1.00M 770.00M 354.13M 354.13M 272.68G
I001 118 1.00M 118.00M 272.67M 272.67M 32.18G
V001 8 1.00M 8.00M 175.22M 175.22M 1.40G


part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
R001 349 1.00M 349.00M 469.61M 469.61M 163.89G

E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 3 Jet Pt cut: 25 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 60. < M(e+,e-) < 120. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
V002 80 10.00k 800.00k 1.99M 199.07M 159.26M
B001 12 1.00M 12.00M 157.22M 157.22M 1.89G
R001 349 1.00M 349.00M 469.61M 469.61M 163.89G
I001 57 1.00M 57.00M 289.96M 289.96M 16.53G
V001 79 100.00k 7.90M 19.62M 196.17M 1.55G


E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 4 Jet Pt cut: 25 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 60. < M(e+,e-) < 120. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
V006 200 400.00 80.00k 115.90k 289.76M 23.18M
V004 72 400.00 28.80k 117.56k 293.91M 8.46M
B001 80 100.00k 8.00M 17.53M 175.31M 1.40G
I003 39 100.00k 3.90M 30.07M 300.71M 1.17G
I002 1 160.90k 160.90k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.54k 161.54k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.27k 160.27k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.04k 161.04k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.17k 161.17k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.41k 160.41k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.79k 160.79k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.43k 161.43k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.58k 161.58k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.06k 161.06k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.19k 161.19k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.29k 161.29k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.81k 160.81k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.94k 160.94k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.19k 161.19k --- --- ---
I002 2 160.94k 321.89k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.82k 160.82k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.69k 160.69k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.59k 161.59k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.09k 161.09k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.38k 160.38k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.09k 161.09k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.35k 161.35k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.49k 161.49k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.98k 160.98k --- --- ---
I002 1 159.70k 159.70k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.24k 161.24k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.47k 160.47k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.76k 161.76k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.89k 161.89k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.12k 161.12k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.76k 161.76k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.25k 161.25k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.38k 161.38k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.45k 161.45k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.52k 161.52k --- --- ---
I002 1 161.65k 161.65k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.37k 160.37k --- --- ---
I002 1 160.89k 160.89k --- --- ---
I002 (tot) 40 --- 6.44M 48.79M 303.24M 1.95G
I001 40 400.00k 16.00M 121.26M 303.14M 4.85G
V001 6 250.00 1.50k 85.05k 340.18M 510.00k
R002 80 100.00k 8.00M 104.36M 1.04G 8.35G
R003 80 100.00k 8.00M 94.51M 945.06M 7.56G
V005 48 400.00 19.20k 116.62k 291.56M 5.60M
R001 60 100.00k 6.00M 97.89M 978.91M 5.87G
R006 79 100.00k 7.90M 86.58M 865.80M 6.84G
R004 59 100.00k 5.90M 107.95M 1.08G 6.37G
R005 69 100.00k 6.90M 93.09M 930.88M 6.42G
V002 120 250.00 30.00k 84.50k 338.00M 10.14M
V003 120 250.00 30.00k 83.84k 335.36M 10.06M