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Version 1 (modified by Daniel, 11 years ago) (diff)



E1 = 4000.0 E2 = 4000.0 sqrt(s) = 8000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 1 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 60. < M(e+,e-) < 120. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 8 1.00M 8.00M 126.65M 126.65M 1.01G
R001 256 1.00M 256.00M 244.91M 244.91M 62.70G
I001 15 1.00M 15.00M 258.19M 258.19M 3.87G
V001 4 1.00M 4.00M 161.49M 161.49M 645.95M


E1 = 4000.0 E2 = 4000.0 sqrt(s) = 8000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 2 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 60. < M(e+,e-) < 120. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 14 1.00M 14.00M 141.96M 141.96M 1.99G
R001 256 1.00M 256.00M 424.16M 424.16M 108.59G
I001 31 1.00M 31.00M 273.13M 273.13M 8.47G
V001 8 1.00M 8.00M 176.81M 176.81M 1.41G


E1 = 4000.0 E2 = 4000.0 sqrt(s) = 8000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 3 Jet Pt cut: 20 GeV Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Invariant mass cut: 60. < M(e+,e-) < 120. Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
V002 80 10.00k 800.00k 2.01M 200.73M 160.58M
B001 16 1.00M 16.00M 158.53M 158.53M 2.54G
R001 67 1.00M 67.00M 483.83M 483.83M 32.42G
I001 20 1.00M 20.00M 290.73M 290.73M 5.81G
V001 80 100.00k 8.00M 19.78M 197.77M 1.58G