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Version 2 (modified by Daniel, 12 years ago) (diff)


There are BlackHat+Sherpa ntuples available for the following processes:

process name for the path energies jet et cut paper
W+ + 0,1,2,3,4 jets Wp<n>j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV
W- + 0,1,2,3,4 jets Wm<n>j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV
W+ + 4 jets Wp4j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV
W- + 4 jets Wm4j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV
Z/gamma* + 1,2,3 jets Zee<n>j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV
Z/gamma* + 4 jets Zee<n>j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV
2,3,4 jets PureQCD<n>j 7TeV,8TeV 25GeV