blackhat is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
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To install BlackHat follow the following steps:

  • install the depedencies


install qd from the QD webpage


and install the package. Use the configure options:


Make sure the shared libraries are installed. When building qd is looking for other compilers than g++ and is seems that depending on which it finds the shared library will not be supported, so I found that one sometimes had to specify it use g++ with the additional argument CXX=g++ (or another compiler which supports shared libraries) in the configure command line.

  • BlackHat installation

Download the BlackHat? tar ball, unzip and unpack:

tar -xzf blackhat-0.9.9.tar.gz
cd blackhat-0.9.9



the options (in addition to the usual options such as --prefix) are the following:

  --with-QDpath=prefix    try this for a non-standard install prefix of the QD
  --enable-sherpaplugin    compiles the BH sherpa plugin
  --enable-pythoninterface    compiles the python interface

build and install BlackHat using

make install

see SqliteData for help on how to use the squlite databases instead of the text files.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on May 13, 2015, 5:20:49 PM