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Files on CERN


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 0
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -12 11
  • Human readable process: j j -> neb e-
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 9 5.00M 45.00M 602.74M 120.55M 5.42G
bornLO 10 5.00M 50.00M 519.52M 103.90M 5.20G
loop 50 1.00M 50.00M 154.57M 154.57M 7.73G
vsub 20 10.00M 200.00M 2.34G 233.60M 46.72G
real 50 2.50M 125.00M 601.86M 240.74M 30.09G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 1
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 8 5.00M 40.00M 631.39M 126.28M 5.05G
bornLO 10 5.00M 50.00M 621.23M 124.25M 6.21G
loop 50 10.00M 500.00M 1.57G 156.55M 78.27G
vsub 20 10.00M 200.00M 2.57G 257.27M 51.45G
real 50 2.50M 125.00M 1.49G 596.10M 74.51G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 2
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 8 5.00M 40.00M 708.84M 141.77M 5.67G
bornLO 8 5.00M 40.00M 695.17M 139.03M 5.56G
loop 100 1.00M 100.00M 177.38M 177.38M 17.74G
vsub 20 10.00M 200.00M 2.71G 270.58M 54.12G
real 300 2.50M 750.00M 2.84G 1.14G 852.80G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 3
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93 93 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j j j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 14 5.00M 70.00M 755.54M 151.11M 10.58G
bornLO 20 5.00M 100.00M 741.16M 148.23M 14.82G
loop-lc 199 100.00k 19.90M 19.28M 192.80M 3.84G
loop-fmlc 400 15.00k 6.00M 3.26M 217.39M 1.30G
vsub 21 10.00M 210.00M 2.81G 281.09M 59.03G
real 276 20.00k 5.52M 5.26G 263.19G 1.45T


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 0
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 12
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 10 5.00M 50.00M 602.70M 120.54M 6.03G
bornLO 10 5.00M 50.00M 585.25M 117.05M 5.85G
loop 50 1.00M 50.00M 154.73M 154.73M 7.74G
vsub 18 10.00M 180.00M 2.34G 233.84M 42.09G
real 50 2.50M 125.00M 611.17M 244.47M 30.56G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 1
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 12 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 9 5.00M 45.00M 631.32M 126.26M 5.68G
bornLO 10 5.00M 50.00M 621.01M 124.20M 6.21G
loop 50 1.00M 50.00M 167.99M 167.99M 8.40G
vsub 20 10.00M 200.00M 2.57G 257.28M 51.46G
real 50 2.50M 125.00M 1.49G 596.58M 74.57G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 2
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 12 93 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne j j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 9 5.00M 45.00M 707.57M 141.51M 6.37G
bornLO 10 5.00M 50.00M 694.31M 138.86M 6.94G
loop 100 1.00M 100.00M 189.57M 189.57M 18.96G
vsub 20 10.00M 200.00M 2.71G 270.60M 54.12G
real 99 2.50M 247.50M 2.95G 1.18G 291.92G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 3
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 12 93 93 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ ne j j j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 18 5.00M 90.00M 751.92M 150.38M 13.53G
bornLO 20 5.00M 100.00M 783.47M 156.69M 15.67G
loop-lc 400 100.00k 40.00M 19.24M 192.44M 7.70G
loop-fmlc 400 15.00k 6.00M 3.25M 216.94M 1.30G
vsub 18 10.00M 180.00M 2.81G 280.98M 50.58G
real 169 2.50M 422.50M 5.00G 2.00G 844.68G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 1
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Invariant mass cut: 30 < M(e+,e-) < 200
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 10 5.00M 50.00M 715.13M 143.03M 7.15G
bornLO 10 5.00M 50.00M 699.40M 139.88M 6.99G
loop 50 10.00M 500.00M 1.57G 157.18M 78.59G
vsub 20 10.00M 200.00M 2.58G 258.23M 51.65G
real 50 2.50M 125.00M 1.57G 626.81M 78.35G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 2
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Invariant mass cut: 30 < M(e+,e-) < 200
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 10 5.00M 50.00M 774.46M 154.89M 7.74G
bornLO 7 5.00M 35.00M 777.53M 155.51M 5.44G
loop 100 1.00M 100.00M 177.97M 177.97M 17.80G
vsub 19 10.00M 190.00M 2.73G 273.22M 51.91G
real 67 2.50M 167.50M 2.97G 1.19G 199.18G


  • E1 = 3500.0
  • E2 = 3500.0
  • sqrt(s) = 7000.0
  • Beam type = p p
  • Number of jets: 3
  • Jet Et cut: 20.0 GeV
  • Kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Anti-kt R: 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
  • Siscone R: 0.4 0.5 0.7
  • Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75
  • Invariant mass cut: 30 < M(e+,e-) < 200
  • Process: 93 93 -> -11 11 93 93 93
  • Human readable process: j j -> e+ e- j j j
part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
born 20 2.50M 50.00M 437.10M 174.84M 8.74G
bornLO 19 2.50M 47.50M 437.34M 174.94M 8.31G
loop-lc 200 100.00k 20.00M 19.34M 193.37M 3.87G
vsub 25 10.00M 250.00M 2.89G 289.35M 72.34G
real 29 inconsistent
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Jun 26, 2012, 8:38:12 PM