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E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 1 Jet Pt cut: 25. GeV Kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Anti-kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93 Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 10 1.00M 10.00M 124.85M 124.85M 1.25G
R001 29 100.00k 2.90M --- --- ---
R001 21 1.00M 21.00M --- --- ---
R001 (tot) 50 --- 23.90M 122.36M 122.36M 6.02G
I001 15 500.00k 7.50M 128.19M 256.38M 1.92G
V001 20 100.00k 2.00M 16.29M 162.92M 325.85M


E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 2 Jet Pt cut: 25. GeV Kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Anti-kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 10 1.00M 10.00M 140.06M 140.06M 1.40G
R001 30 1.00M 30.00M 490.38M 490.38M 14.71G
I001 30 1.00M 30.00M 271.93M 271.93M 8.16G
V001 5 1.00M 5.00M 174.97M 174.97M 874.85M


E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 3 Jet Pt cut: 25. GeV Kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Anti-kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
V002 100 1.00k 100.00k 225.38k 225.38M 22.54M
B001 10 1.00M 10.00M 156.74M 156.74M 1.57G
R001 50 1.00M 50.00M 733.28M 733.28M 36.66G
I001 30 1.00M 30.00M 288.32M 288.32M 8.65G
V001 400 10.00k 4.00M 1.99M 198.84M 795.35M


E1 = 3500.0 E2 = 3500.0 sqrt(s) = 7000.0 Beam type = p p Number of jets: 4 Jet Pt cut: 25. GeV Kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Anti-kt R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone R: 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Siscone overlap threshold: 0.75 Process: 93 93 -> -12 11 93 93 93 93 Human readable process: j j -> neb e- j j j j

part # of files # event/file total events size of a file disk/Mevent total disk usage
B001 5 1.00M 5.00M 171.51M 171.51M 857.55M
R001 491 500.00k 245.50M --- --- ---
R001 9 1.00M 9.00M --- --- ---
R001 (tot) 500 --- 254.50M 312.31M 312.31M 156.15G
I001 193 1.00M 193.00M 304.14M 304.14M 58.70G
V001 1854 500.00 927.00k 138.47k 276.93M 256.72M
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Oct 3, 2013, 10:10:57 PM